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Are there wasps in Arizona? Yes! In fact, wasps in Arizona can be extremely protective of their nests making them a hazard for you and your pets. The risk of getting stung is heightened at the end of summer when the wasps’ natural food sources become scarce, and people spend more time outdoors. This can be a scary time, especially for people who are allergic to insect stings. Continue reading for more information about Arizona’s wasp species, how to prevent them from taking over your property, and steps to get rid of them. If you live in the Phoenix area and need wasp control or bee control, give us a call. We have offices in Phoenix and Gilbert and we serve the entire metro area including Glendale, Peoria, Queen Creek, and out to Surprise.
More than three dozen wasp species can be found across Arizona. However, three types of wasps are most common — paper wasps (Polistes), spider wasps (Pompilidae), and yellow jackets (Vespula). It’s important to know how to identify them so you know which species you are dealing with.
Paper wasps are one of the most common types of wasps in the state and include the Arizona paper wasp and the yellow paper wasp. Paper wasps get their name from the way they build their nests. Female paper wasps chew up wood and mix it with their saliva to create a type of “paper” to construct their nests. These nests can be found under objects where they can hang freely such as eaves of homes and tree branches.
On average, these wasps are about an inch long and come in various colors depending on the species. Most are varying shades of yellow or brown.
Compared to other wasps, paper wasps are seldom aggressive and are actually quite docile. Generally, they don’t typically pose a threat to homeowners. However, they are very protective of their nests and will sting humans if their nest is threatened or disturbed.
There are a number of spider wasp species in the State of Arizona. These wasps hunt for spiders which they sting and paralyze. The wasps drag the paralyzed spider into a burrow and lay their eggs on it. When the larva hatches, they feed on the spider while it’s still alive!
One of the most recognizable members of the group is the tarantula hawk (Pepsis Grossa). This wasp has a bluish-black body with orange wings and grows up to 2 inches in length. The tarantula hawk has a reputation for having one of the most painful stings in the animal world. The sting is often compared to an intense electric shock that lasts about three minutes (three very long minutes!).
Despite their terrifying sting, Pepsis wasps are not typically aggressive. It usually takes a lot to provoke one into taking action.
There are four species of yellow jacket wasps in Arizona. These small wasps usually make their nests inside hollow trees or even underground. They are attracted to sweets, but also hunt small Arthropods. For this reason, it is common to see them flying around picnics or public parks in search of open soda cans, juice, or other various foods.
Scientists aren’t sure why, but yellow jackets can be very aggressive and can sting people for no reason. Their nests can contain hundreds of wasps, so they should be avoided at all costs. Their stings are painful and can cause serious allergic reactions or death for sensitive people.
There are pros and cons to having wasps around your home. Wasps like to visit flowers for nectar and feed on insects that can be pests to your garden. A small number of wasps is not usually an issue. However, they can be a nuisance in large numbers.
The average wasp is not a threat to most people. However, if you have an allergy to insect venom, you could have a dangerous allergic reaction if stung. These allergic reactions can be life-threatening if not treated immediately. For this reason, any wasp species in Arizona could be dangerous. Even if you aren’t allergic, you want to avoid getting stung, especially from the painful Pepsis Grossa.
Wasps aren’t the cruel creatures that we make them out to be. In most cases, they are simply trying to defend themselves or their nest from a perceived danger or threat. If you do encounter a wasp, there are some tips to reduce your risk of getting stung.
If you notice wasps taking over your yard, there are some simple things you can do to deter them from making your property their home.
Wasps are attracted to your home for a variety of reasons. If you need some help taking care of the issue, We’re pest control experts with years of experience dealing with wasps in Arizona. Our team has discovered clever methods to successfully and effectively eliminate wasps from your property. Contact our office today for a free quote if you want to take back your property and get rid of wasps for good.
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